Epic weekend in store for BJJ, GIG event and co-ed seminar, June 10/11

Girls In Gis, June 10 2017.jpeg

I am so honoured to have been chosen as the guest instructor at the up and coming Girls in Gis event in Broken Arrow , OK. The event will be held at Triton Fight Center. I plan on teaching techniques that work better for women as well as opening some Q&A for questions from the ladies where we can trouble shoot and discuss some hot topic that always come up about being a girl on the mats. Please go to www.girlsingis.com to register. 

Sophia McDermott Drysdale FIT

But dudes, don't despair for I will be teaching a co-ed seminar the following day at Oklahoma Martial Arts academy, Sunday June 11. For those ladies who will be attending the GIG event prior you will be able to receive a discount. I know that there are groups travelling from other states to come and make a whole weekend of this!!! This will be an epic weekend. Please contact Janie on the number on the flyer to book your spot and for accommodation options. 

I will also be bringing #bethestarofyourownlife patches and some awesome Fuji Sekai gis. Let me know if you want one!

Interview with BJJ Mums!

Me with Athena, my eldest daughter

Me with Athena, my eldest daughter

I was honoured to be interviewed by the organisation BJJ Mums which is based in Europe.  My focus with this interview was to spread the word about making the time to train even if you are a new mother.  I know for so many new mothers that not having the time to train and to do the things they loved doing before the baby is a big issue.. so big that I think postpartum depression is actually linked to a loss of identity. 

I encourage all women to lean in, ask for help, think outside the box and do what ever it takes to find solutions so that they can do what they love doing. I also encourage  all women to make sure they are the lead actor in their own movie and not just the supporting role.. Click here to read the full article: http://www.bjjmums.com/bjj-mums-on-interview-i-sophia-mcdermoot/

Bikini body! - My blogs to help you get there and stay in that shape.

Sophia McDermott Drysdale

Check out my two most recent blog below that have loads of info when it comes to getting and staying in bikini body shape. It is that time of year now where we have to be more mindful than ever with what we eat, when we eat if we want to look good in a bikini or a pair of booty shorts. My first blog talks about sugar and why it is so bad. High fructose corn syrup plays a feature in this article which is at the top of my no-no list.  

My next blog talks abou bloating which is caused by certain foods we eat, both healthy and unhealthy as well as our state of mind, our stress levels and the time we eat. All of these factors are important when it comes to bloating.  

Enjoy the blogs and stay tuned for more info to  help you on your health and fitness journeys.

One word...Bloating

Bloating has become so common these days, we could probably refer to it as an ‘epidemic’! The combination of poor diets and high level of stress there is no wonder that people are suffering from bloating! Whether it be the uncomfortable feeling, the appearance or maybe the gas that comes along with it, a bloated stomach can seriously impact on your life.

Foods to Eat

Probiotics: “Good Bacteria”. This includes foods such as Kimchi, Sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir and kombucha! These foods help to kill the bad bacteria that trigger digestive issues!

Raw Dairy: As opposed to conventional diary, aged/raw cheese, kefir and yogurt help to limit negative reactions.

Water Rich Fruits & Vegetables: Leafy greens, cucumbers, celery, fennel, artichoke, melon, berries, steam veggies and cultured/fermented vegetables.

Herbs, Spices & Teas: Such as ginger, dandelion, aloe vera, fennel, parsley, oregano and rosemary, herbal teas, essential oils, bone broth and green tea all naturally soothe digestion.

Foods to Avoid

Sugar & Sweetened Snacks: Sugar easily ferments in the gut therefore can contribute to inflammation.

Conventional Dairy: Flavored yogurts and other dairy with added sugar and artificial ingredients remove important enzymes that protect your gut.

Refined Grains: Gluten, corn and other grains can prove to be difficult for many people to digest.

Sulfur & FODMAP Carbs: Veggies like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, onion and garlic are very nutritious with several anti-cancer properties but can produce relatively high volumes of gas thanks to a type of carb (raffinose) which can remain partly undigested in the intestine.

If you do find you are still suffering from bloating, here are some simple tips to follow!

Talk to your doctor: Your Doctor will be able to run tests to help determine the cause of your bloating!

Get some Exercise: Being active definitely helps with your digestive system to function to its optimal capacity. Try doing something active for at least 30 minutes per day!

Increase your water intake: To ensure that the fiber entering your body can perform its job correctly, you want to be drinking 2 - 3 litres of water per day! Staying hydrated is essential for beating the bloat!

Reduce Stress: Stress and anxiety can create a huge impact on your digestion! When you are anxious or sad it causes your brain to divert attention away from proper digestion in an effort to conserve energy and high amounts of stress can increase your cortisol levels therefore causing you to become overly hungry, constipated and store unnecessary fluids.

I hope that all the information and tips above provide you with understanding of bloating and how to beat it! If you want some more insight, please email me at sophia@sophiafit.com and we can discuss further!

Why aren't I losing weight?

Have you been trying to lose weight and only seeing minimal maybe even no changes? There are a few simple things that you maybe doing wrong! All it takes is a few simple adjustments to your diet, exercise regime and you will be seeing results again!

Skipping Breakfast

It may seem like a great idea to save calories but skipping breakfast almost guarantees that it will leave you consuming unnecessary amounts of calories later in the day to make up for it which can actually have an negative effect on your metabolism. Breakfast doesn’t need to be complex, it can be as simple as making a quick protein smoothie with banana and berries or scrambled eggs! All you need is a simple healthy calorie hit to jump-start your metabolism.

You are slogging out hours on the treadmill!

Increased muscle = increased fat burning! Swap the hour you spend pounding the pavement with a 30 minute weight training session. Not only does lifting weights prevent injury by strengthening the joints but it also builds lean muscle which leads to an increase metabolic rate meaning you will keep burning calories long after you have left the gym!

Not eating carbs!


Eliminating carbs can actually do the opposite! It can put your body into a state of ketosis which I think is not so good for women. Plus if you are a performance athlete you will find that your energy levels are lower and you can’t get through your training sessions well! Your body DOES need carbohydrates in order to fuel it throughout the day and to help metabolise fat. When talking about carbs, the type of carbs are very important. Starchy carbs such as pasta and potatoes will lead to weight gain but choosing healthier carbohydrates that are unrefined and unprocessed such as brown rice or quinoa or root veggies are a much healthier option!
Key point: Eat them in moderation and eat them around your workouts!

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No drinking enough water!

A glass a day won’t suffice but ensuring your drink 2 -3 litres per day, according to recent studies, can aid with weight loss. Filling up on water before a meal can help ensure you don’t over eat therefore helping with portion control! Also eating foods that contain a lot of water such as fruits and veggies, will help fill you up faster! And what does that mean? You eat less! If you struggle with your daily water intake, I suggest adding a few slices of lemon or some fresh berries to add a little “zing” to your water!  

You don’t leave yourself time to have fun!

I know what you may be thinking, what does fun have to do with why you aren’t losing weight! Well stress is shown to cause weight gain as it triggers the body to eat more of especially the foods high in sugar and fat! Make sure you allow yourself at least 15 minutes everyday to relax and unwind.  Meditation is a really great stress relief since it calms your nervous system. If you have more time take the opportunity to catch up with friends, go on a hike, a yoga class or a relaxing walk in nature.

Mat Mothers by BJJ Tees

Sophia MCdermott Drysdale

I was honoured to be included in the group of badass BJJ moms who were interviews for this article written by Nikki Sulivan at BJJ Tees called Mat Mothers. The article features 5 ladies who have all achived awesome things in thier bjj journey and career all the while being mothers. The arcitle features Venessa Wexler, Rachel Morrison Casias, Monique Ricardo, April Parks and myself. We all shed some insight into juggling it all and goal setting. A motivation read for sure.  http://www.bjjtees.com/blog-2/mat-mothers/

Seminars and workshops in Oregon!

Sophia MCDermott Drysdale

The other weekend I had the pleasure of visiting Oregon for the 1st time. It was amazing. Truly a slice of heaven with so much stunning nature. 

My 1st stop was at Lazy Lover headquarters in Portland to teach a women's workshops. Lazy Lover is an awesome clothing brand that makes top notch training and street wear. I taught spider guard techniques and concepts that work well for women. We also touched on some Q&A mostly about empowerment stuff. 

Sophia McDermott Drysdale

My  next stop was in Bend where I taught a co ed seminar at Clarke's University of Martial Arts. And the following day I taught a small women's workshops. The ladies got to work on grip breaks and guard recovery.  It was so amazing to see so many men on the mat, once again.. a real sign of how women's BJJ is  progressing.

Sophia McDermott Drysdale

Alex one of the ladies was also awarded her purple belt and I was so happy to be present for it! It so so great to see us all move up the ranks!

Sophia McDermott Drysdale
Sophia McDermott Drysdale

Thank you Almine, Prof. Ryan and TK for making this all possible. : #jiujitsufamily

Mexican Style Chicken Salad published in WLC magazine!

Sophia McDermott Drysdale FIT

One of my favourite healthy salads was published in Whole Life Magazine. This is also one of the recipes in my 7 day Meal Plan - Spring into Summer.  Read the article for the recipe directions and read about why  this salad is so good for you!. Let me know what you think. https://www.wholelifechallenge.com/mexican-style-chicken-salad/

If you would like to purchase my e book, click on this link: https://sophiadrysdale.squarespace.com/springintosummer7dayplan/

DIscount code is: LAUNCH10 for 10% and only for this month!!!