My Published articles, eating out at restaurants and while traveling

Sophia McDermott Drysdale FIT

Many of my clients are busy career people who have jobs that involve quite a lot of travel. So as you can imagine the question I get asked a lot is 'What do I eat when I am travelling?' This spurred me on to write this article which was recently published in Whole Life Challenge Magazine. Here I list the worst to best places to eat and what they have to offer, ranging from gas stations to restaurants at the airport. For those who travel, this is really informative.  You can read the whole article here:

Sophia MCDermott Drysdale

I wrote this next article also published in Whole Life Challenge Magazine because many of my clients do not know how to make healthy choices when eating out. I  was finding that during the work week their diets were good since they stuck to their programs. But during the weekends while eating out, they blew their diets because of a plethora of bad choices such as too much alcohol, breads, dips and and other starters loaded with calories. Then there was the mains, and of course desserts.  And then there was also the factor of portion control.

This article is pretty much a step by step guide as to eating out with a list of food to avoid and food to enjoy. You can read the whole article here: