Personal Training! Who’s looking to get into amazing shape this Summer?

Who is looking to get into amazing shape this Summer? Who wants to tone up, look good in a bikini and feel amazing? Or who wants to get stronger and fitter for their sport?

Now is the time to get started and I have a couple of spots that have just come up for personalised training. 

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Certified with NASP for Personal Training and Fitness Nutrition, my speciality is tailoring a workout plan as well as a nutrition plan. I focus on creating a whole program that is part of your lifestyle so it can be implemented daily so that you can stick to it. 

For those LV locals, I teach in Summerlin. Please message me for more info.

I also create online programs for those who are looking for similar guidance who can’t do face to face sessions. For more info on my programs click here.

Email me at if you have any questions about any of my personalised training.