Workout with Me!

Las Vegas locals, who wants to stay fit and in shape?

Sophia McDermott Drysdale Mat Outdoor Workout

I will be taking you through my Mat Movement Workout Outdoors, that involves a full body workout that will focus on strength, endurance and cardio fitness. The exercises will be a combination of martial arts, calisthenics and gymnastics based movement patterns, to create an awesome workout where all you need is YOU!

We will start off with a gentle warm up followed by the workout and then finish up with a cool down stretch with flowing relaxation movements with breathing and mindfulness to reduce stress.

WHEN: Tuesdays at 5.30pm - 6.30pm

WHERE: Rainbow Family Park, 7151 W Oakey Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89117

COST: Single sessions at $10
Family packs at $15 for the whole family
Pack of Three for $21

WHAT TO BRING: A yoga mat or towel

First Session is on TUESDAY MARCH 24TH!