Online workouts

My Way of Saying Thank you

While we are all stuck in lockdown I want to help make this time as healthy for us all as possible with the focus on all aspects of health including mental and physical health by keeping us fit and motivated as well as sharing tips and recipes to stay healthy. I am really happy to be doing these workouts with you. It’s so motivating knowing we’ll all be meeting up at a certain time and working out together. As much as we may feel alone, we are actually all part of a collective support group with the same goal of feeling good and staying healthy in mind.  The other week we had 50 people tune into one of my BJJ strength workouts!!! How amazing is that!

I am looking at providing these workouts long term so that you can implement them into your weekly routine once life goes back to normal. So stay tuned for the awesome new program. 

In the interim the workouts will be available on my private FB group, SophiaFIT Health & Fitness Tips  Please invite your friends to the group to join us in the workouts too!

Sophia McDermott Drysdale Blog - Online Workouts