Closed guard, Triangle set up, Shin over opponen's arm BJJ with Sophia McDermott.

How to set up sneaky submissions from closed guard. Set up the Triangle without your opponent even seeing it coming! In this video Sophia McDermott shows you how to use your legs in a way set up a triangle without your opponent even seeing it coming! Try this out to ensure more success with your submissions from closed guard.

BJJ with Sophia McDermott. Closed guard, climbing triangle & climbing arm bar technique

In this video Sophia McDermott shows you how to use your legs in a way to climb up your opponent's body to trap and isolate the arm for an arm bar and the head and arm for a super effective triangle. Setting up the submissions this way keeps your opponent's posture locked down and makes it very hard for them to stack you. Try this out to ensure more success with your submissions from closed guard and avoid getting stacked!