I've been super busy behind the scenes and there is so much amazing stuff coming your way!!! heroes a snap shot a shoot I did recently decked out head to toe in Athleta gear. I. The amazing ladies who have enquired about these pants during my live workout sessions with you am wearing the Fallaron Joggers, XS. They are super comfy. :)
For the lucky ladies coming to my Sophia FIT Lifestyle Camp June 4, you'll be getting an Athleta gift card so you can put it towards some cool gear of your own!
Pretty much all of us want a perfectly flat stomach. I don't know about you but the idea of doing endless crunches bores me to tears. But crunches work only one aspect of your abs anyhow. To get tight abs with the nice v shape and outlines on the side, you need to work you whole core including your transverse abs and your obliques. Here is one amazing exercise to get your abs in shape for the bikini weather! The exercise works your whole core including your transverse abs, which supports your spine and your rectus abdominals.
Rollouts on the PB
Maintain a straight line from knees to head.
Draw your belly button towards your spine.
Start by placing your forearms on the ball and drop your chest on your arms. Slowly extend your arms rolling the ball out, keep a straight line through your midsection and then roll the ball back in.
Aim to do this movement 10 times.
Have a read of an article I wrote that explains how the core works in more details show some awesome exercises that target the whole core!!!
Here is a great core workout right here! Give it a try!
Shoutout to Sunday Provisions
A shoutout to one of the amazing sponsors at my SophiaFIT Weekend Retreat 2020 who will be providing the BEST nut butter on the planet at my camp. Specialising in a variety of pecan butters, they are healthy yet so decadent, rich and delicious. It’s like you are eating a dessert. I can't wait for all the ladies to try!!!
It's easy to talk yourself out of working out! Even when you have the best intentions to work out, excuses are so easy to find - “I’m too tired” or "I’m busy," or "The weather is bad." Here are my top tips for staying in the game!
On Sunday nights plan your week of workouts! Treat them like an event so make time for them in your daily schedule! Write them down in your diary and put reminders on your phone!
If you workout in the morning, layout your training clothes and shoes before you go to bed so they are ready for when you jump out of bed
If you don’t train before work Have training clothes and shoes in your car so you can stop by the gym on the way home from work
Organise a active date/catch up during the week with friends or family. Other people will keep you accountable!
Have a collection of workouts you can do in your living room for when the weather is miserable and you don’t want to leave the comfort of your home. My SophiaFIT Home Workouts are perfect for this!
Set a goal! Write it down and stick it on the fridge or add it as a daily reminder on your phone. This will act as the driving force when you lack a bit of motivation!
If you are looking for the extra kick, send an email to sophia@sophiafit.com or click here. I would love to work with you and help you achieve your health & fitness goals.
I have just launched My Lifestyle Camp for 2018. I am already excited about this one since I know I will be getting away from the Winter Blues and meeting more amazing ladies. This camp will be held in St Augustine instead in a quaint beach side town. The house is right on the beach overlooking some stunning ocean views. The Lifestyle Camp dates are Feb 25 until March 2. Learn more HERE.
I am offering a early bird special until December 31. If this is something you would like to do please email me to book your spot or for any questions. sophia@sophiaFIT.com.
**50% deposit required to reserve your spot. Payment plans available upon request **