healthy snacks

Sophia's Tip of the Week: Ditch the Replacement Shakes and Protein Bars!

SophiaFIT - Sophia's Health Tips

When you are on the go day in day out having the time to make healthy food can be difficult. Protein bars and shakes and meal replacement drinks become the ‘healthy’ alternative but soon enough the diet consists of these replacement items instead of eating real whole foods that are loaded with nutrition and fiber. Thanks to clever marketing we don’t see these shakes and bars as such a bad thing.

Some of these products are so dense and high in calories. Packed with ‘healthy’ things like nuts and bar has as many calories as a giant salad with some chicken but with loads more sugar. 

Additionally, when you drink your meals it prevents your stomach from signalling to your brain that you have actually eaten thus being more inclined to snack. The process of chewing your food is very important since it prepares your stomach for digestion. Actual food that has bulk like fibrous salads takes longer eat via chewing and longer to digest so it keeps you feeling fuller for longer. What’s the use of having a small yet calorie-packed bar or a shake (most likely filled with additives anyway) to lose weight when you’ll be hungry again in an hour or so?

Don’t get sucked into the marketing mania and think that by consuming bars and drinks is healthy and the way to lose weight. It’s exactly the opposite. If you want to be healthy fill yourself up with loads of fresh raw whole foods such as fruits, vegetables that contain enzymes, fiber and phytochemicals. Eat protein from a whole source such as eggs and fish rather than whey or soy isolates that are made in a lab. Avoid the condensed ‘health’ bars that are loaded with calories even though they may be ‘naturally sweetened.’ None of them will keep you full for long.

Here are some snack suggestions that I enjoy every day. They fill me up and they are made with real, whole foods that give you the nutrients that your body needs for optimal health.

Sophia McDermott - SophiaFIT - Healthy Snacks

Beat the 3pm Slump

We are know that feeling too well! You’ve smashed out your workout for the day, ate a nourishing, healthy breakfast and lunch but as soon as the clock strikes 3pm all you feel is something naughty like chocolate or chips! Hands up if this is you!

To help you beat the 3pm monster, here is a few snack ideas that you can either keep in your desk draw, your hand bag or at home in the cupboard! Just somewhere you can reach easily when those munchies hit!

Bliss Balls
Bliss balls is definitely the go-to snack for all you sweet tooths as they will not only kick your cravings but will give that extra burst of energy for the afternoon. Just beware of store bought ones that they aren’t packed with added sugar and it’s all natural! Here is one of my favourite bliss ball recipes!

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Makes 18 Balls
- 1 cup cashews
- ½ cup dessicated coconut (without preservatives)
- 1 scoop of quality protein powder of your choice (pea, rice or whey)
- 15-16 Medjool dates
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
- 1 tablespoon maple syrup or rice malt syrup
- 2 tablespoons raw pepitas
- 2 tablespoons water
- Pinch of salt
- Extra coconut for rolling

1. Blend cashews first in a food processor until in chunk-form
2. Add all other ingredients and blend until formed
3. Pour extra coconut into a bowl or on a plate
4. Roll mixture into small balls and coat in the bowl of desiccated coconut
5. Freeze to set and enjoy
6. These balls will last in your freezer for 2 weeks and are equally delicious if stored in the fridge, once set.

Hummus & Veggies
You truly can’t go wrong with a bit of hummus and veggie sticks! Super simple to prepare and can easily be placed Tupperware container to keep at work or in your handbag for on the go!

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Yogurt & Berries
Natural yogurt or greek topped with berries is a perfect low-GI snack! Low-GI snacks are slowly digested and absorbed which provides more stable blood sugar levels and will help you maintain healthy energy levels! As well as the above benefits this delicious snack will also give you a hit of antioxidants and good bacteria plus it helps satisfy your sweet tooth!

Trail Mix
Trail mixes are a super easy and healthy snack as it provides protein, healthy fats and fibre to keep you satisfied until dinner! This snack also contains zinc, magnesium, calcium and vitamin E!! You can create your trail mix with raw mixed nuts and seeds (think almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, sunflower and pepitas seeds, along with some dried fruit (such as goji berries, prunes, raisins or dates).

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Pre & Post Workout Meals!

Fuelling your body pre and post workout is more important than any other meal throughout your day. Many people don’t realise the role that pre and post workout meals play in the effectiveness of your workout! To break it down a little… the food you consume before your workout will affect your energy levels and your performance output throughout your workout whereas what you eat after your workout is crucial for optimizing the recovery process and replenishing your body!


Now I’m not recommending you go eat a large meal before working out to ensure you have maximum energy for your workout, all you need is a quick snack! Ideally you should try to consume your snack 30-60minutes  before but this can depend on how your body tolerates food! So experiment and see what time frame best suits your body!

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Each of the snack ideas below contain some protein as well as carbs. Carbs are the fuel they are NOT the enemy!! Protein helps rebuild and repair, but also "primes the pump" to make the right amino acids available for your muscles.

Pre Workout Snack Ideas:

  • A teaspoon of peanut butter and banana
  • Greek yogurt with berries
  • Oatmeal with coconut/almond milk and fruit
  • Apple and peanut or almond butter
  • Handful of nuts and a piece of fruit



Your Post workout meal plays a vital role in refuelling your body with the nutrients it will need to repair, replenish, recover and adapt. A post workout meal should accomplish the following:

  • Replenish muscle glycogen that was depleted during your workout.
  • Reduce muscle protein breakdown caused by exercise
  • Reduce muscle soreness and fatigue
  • Greatly enhance overall recovery
  • Reduce cortisol levels
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Post workout meal ideas include:

  • Protein shake with a piece of fruit
  • Turkey on a ancient grain (wheat free) wrap with veggies
  • Yogurt berries parfait
  • 1 slice of ancient grain toast with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and ½ sliced banana
  • 1 to 2 eggs with a slice of ancient grain (wheat free) toast
  • 1 rice cake with ricotta cheese and berries

The above offer mainly carbs, some protein and are convenient — with the first two liquid options also helping to rehydrate the body.

If you need any more ideas on pre & post workout snacks, check out My Nutrition eBook available here or My 7 Day Meal Plan here