bikini body

Parties, functions, travel and staying in bikini shape!

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I am loving the Summer and enjoying the pool, but staying in shape right now is an extra challenge because there are so many functions lately for me as well as extra travel and it is tough to stick to clean eating all the time. Staying put and sticking to the usual routine are when things are easy, but I find that these functions, parties and travel the are the test.

The key is to find balance. Living a life of complete restriction is not enjoyable. If you are at that function and want a cup cake, then have one. But maybe enjoy just the one. Stick to the other healthier options available - If there are healthier options. Sticking to smaller portions is also very important when keeping your diet in check.

If you are drinking, make sure to alternate a drink with a glass of water. This especaily important if you are out in the sun all day. Becoming dehydrated at a party while out in the sun all day is no fun at all.

If you are at a place where there is no healthy food available, then being super organized and bringing healthy food or snacks could save the day. Alternatively you could eat a healthy meal beforehand so you are less tempted to nibble on all the unhealthy food. I personally always have a Kind bar and a pice of fruit in my bag no matter what.

Feeling good in my own skin in a bikini is important but so is enjoying life in general so finding that balance is the key.

Tips to stay hydrated this Summer

You lose more water than you think when you spend all day out in the sun at the beach or pool. Stay hydrated and avoid feeling wiped out from the heat.

You lose more water than you think when you spend all day out in the sun at the beach or pool. Stay hydrated and avoid feeling wiped out from the heat.

For those enjoying the Summer and spending hours outside in the sun and heat, even if you are in the pool or at the beach your body is losing water at a rapid rate. If you have a cocktail or two this further dehydrates you since alcohol is a diuretic.

Dehydration contributes to headaches and lethargy. It also causes you to retain water which leads to swollen joints and puffiness in the skin. If you want to feel good and look good in your bikini, then drinking loads of water is imperative.

To avoid lethargy, headaches or swelling, or even sun stroke, drink more water than you think you need. But, It’s so hard to remember when you are not having so much fun!!!.

So here are some tips and strategies to get your fluids up:

  • Have a (non plastic) water bottle with you at all times and aim to drink 1 liter every 2 hours.

  • Switch every second alcoholic drink out with an ice water or a soda water, so that you are alternating between a beer/cocktail drink and water.

  • If you are out with the kiddies, pack or buy some low sugar (or even homemade) popsicles to suck on.

  • Pack or buy loads of watery fruit such as honey dew melon and water melon.

  • Ditch the cocktails altogether and enjoy some fresh yummy fruit smoothies.

  • After your time by the pool in the sun, rehydrate even more with an additional liter or two of water. It may feel like water overload but it will greatly mitigate any negative effects from being out in the heat and can make the difference from feeling wiped out to feeling fresh.


Tips to stay on track with your diet for Thanksgiving feast

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time to enjoy all this delicious food with family and friends. I think it is super important not to deprive yourself of this yummy one-a-year-treat.

However, there is is a difference between enjoying yourself and having a massive splurge to the point where you have blown your diet and consequently you feel like crap for days.

Here are some tips that will help you to stay on track and hep moderate the splurge on Thanksgiving.

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  • Skip the stuffing & gravy

    The stuffing is probably the richest and most calorie laden part of a Thanksgiving meal. It is a bread base that literally sucks up all the fat ad salt like a sponge. If you must have stuffing, limit it to a couple of table spoons at best.

  • For the gravy, if the fat has been scooped off is ok but most gravies are loaded with fat and salt. Limit this too and opt for cranberry sauce to complement your turkey.

  • Opt for sweet potato or yams over normal potato.

    Sweet potatoes contain more goodness such as potassium, fiber and vitamin B. Additionally they are high in beta-carotene which your body converts into vitamin A. Just watch the added sugar for those sweet yam based dishes with marshmallows. Baked or matches sweet potato is a great option.

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  • Pile our plate high with load of veggies

    Green veggies or salads contain far less calories and a lot of nutrients. They are a great way to fill you up without all breaking the diet. Make sure the veggies are steamed or baked with less fat and steer clear of the cheese, fatty, richer sauces.

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  • Alternate the alcohol with water.

    Another way we break the diet is through drinks, wether it be wine, creamy drinks or sodas. Alternate each alcoholic drink or rich drink with a glass of water and keep the calories in check that way.


It is also super important to drink loads of water which will help with digestion and help to flush out the excess salt from all the rich foods.

Remember to keep your portions in moderation. Don’t just eat because it is in front of you. Listen to your body. Snack a little before hand so that you don’t arrive to the dinner insanely hungry and then then splurge and eat everything in side and finally, keep your water intake up.

Fit Mums!

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One of my missions is to help spread the idea that just because you are a mum, that doesn’t mean that the sexy fit women before babies is a thing of the past. Motherhood is by far the most challenging thing you’ll ever do since it is never ending - but oh so rewarding. But it is so easy to put our kids first and leave ourselves to the last. Before we know it we are tired, out of shape and no longer doing the things that we enjoyed before babies. It is all about creating that balance. But most certainly, the most import factor is your health because if you don’t have your healthy, you don’t really have anything. No mater how busy us mums are…. we must make time for ourselves to have a workout a few times a week. Get out and go for a power walk, hit the gym or do one of my live workouts on twitch while bubba is bouncing in the bassinet. you can log into view my workouts here: We can do this and fin time for one hour in the day for US!!!!

Fit mums!

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#fitmom Sophia McDermott Drysdale

A photo from the beach at my Lifestyle Camp this past week. It was so nice to have the chance to relax and take the time out with my baby girls. We all did a lot ofexercise and training. it is so important as a mother to stay in good shape to keep up with your kids, but also tobe the healthy role model and to set an example so that they too grow up fit and healthy. 

My Ms Figure Toning and Sculpting Classes are Starting Soon!

Toning & Sculpting Classes Banner 11am, sophia McDermott

I am super excited to announce that I will be teaching a Ms Figure Toning and Sculpting class starting on October 21st11am every Saturday at the UFC gym! The class is a women's only class and the goal is to tone and sculpt the muscles as well as to burn fat at the same time. The exercises are all body weight exercises from my years as a gymnast, jiu jitsu athlete and as a Figure athlete. They will work your muscles without making you look bulky! Bring yourself, your moms, your sisters and your girl friends. This will be super fun, engaging and challenging. At UFC gym, Blue Diamond. Feel free to email me at for any questions. 

Finding balance for overall health

Sophia mcDermott Drysdale FIT

It is always a juggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle when there is so much going on. I am a single mother who is constantly working but I have found a way to make my lifestyle as holistically healthy as possible. This includes, the right amount of sleep, clean eating, moving my body, connecting with nature, getting sunlight and meditating. They are all important for creating that overall balanced, healthy lifestyle. If you eat right and workout but don't get enough sleep or if you sleep enough but have a highly stressful job and have trouble finding time to eat your meals... then your life needs a bit of an overhaul. Finding balance is the key.