online workouts

Free Mat Movement workouts every Tuesdays!!!

There are so many ways to move our body. Since lockdown getting creating with nothing but your body weight and a mat has been the focus and you can have a really challenging workout that keeps you mobile, lean and strong with only your bodyweight if you know how. 

Every Tuesday I am still teaching a Live BJJ based Mat Movement class at 5 pm PST on my private Facebook Group Here. The focus is only muscular endurance, strength and mobility. These workouts are fun and different and eager towards the athlete who is looking for a way to work out to help improve their performance. 

Take a look at some of these movement patterns and give them a try!

SophiaFIT Live Online Mat Workouts

Virtual Personal Training Sessions & a Nutritional Plan with SophiaFIT

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I am excited to announce that I will be offering Virtual Personal training sessions via Facetime or Skype. Alongside the training session, you will receive a Tailored Nutrition Plan and Workout Schedule!

My programs are very much geared towards overall lifestyle since feeling great and looking good is about so much more than what you are eating. With a personalized program, I will be looking into your food and water intake, your exercise,  your sleep, your supplements and your schedule/stress levels. My aim is to tailor a program that works best for you personally and make sure that it is achievable for you so you can realistically reach your goals. 

Please email me at for details and prices.