Here is to 2020, whereby for me it is a year of glamour and style. I am here to show that women can do both if they want to. They can be that tough, strong athlete and they can also be glamorous and feminine ladies. There is no need to repress femininity, beauty or sexuality to be respected and/or taken seriously as an athlete. There is no need to repress any part of us that needs to be expressed and defines who we are. #femininestrength is the strongest and most powerful thing there is. #womenmakethewmorldgoround #powerofshe
My Women's Only BJJ Classes at the UFC Gym are the perfect way for all ladies to give this awesome martial arts a try in a safe and friendly environment. here I guide you on learning some of the most effective self defense techniques and you have a great workout also. BJJ is very empowering and fun and it gets you strong and fit! If you are in Vegas, come and give it a try!
Protein is essential for the growth of muscle, hair, skin and bones. Whilst carbs provide your body with energy to fuel your brain and muscles. Fat is also incredibly important for insulation, brain health and the production of hormones. When protein, carbohydrates and fats work together they keep your body healthy and functioning. The carbs you eat give you energy while the protein builds muscles. Fats and proteins are essential in order to stabilize the blood sugar levels in your body and are best eaten together! To put it simply without carbs your body would not have the energy it needs to workout and train hard and without protein and fats you would not be able to build muscle or grow skin and hair and regulate your hormones and mood as effectvely. Demonstrating that these elements are equally essential for your diet!
This doesn’t mean you can go out and order a crispy chicken burger to ensure you include this essential relationship is in your diet. Instead you need to choose with care and be smart about it! The best protein choices are lean meats, eggs and tofu. The best carbs are whole grains, fruits and vegetables which offer more health benefits that refined grains! The best fats are monounsaturated olive oil and avocado as well as almond butter!!! Coconut oil has been shown to have a myriad of other health benefits also.
Some examples of nutritious protein and carb combinations that you can include in your daily diet include brown rice and broccoli with legumes, tofu or grilled chicken, grilled salmon with steamed asparagus and quinoa, low-fat cottage cheese with fruit or oatmeal and nuts! These food combos will take longer for your body to absorb therefore there will be a slower release into your body and a steadier energy source to keep you going!
Tell me this. Why is it that the one type of training that is proven to considerable burn more calories, tone and strengthen your body and make you look hot?!
The fear of “bulking up” has been keeping many women out of the weights room! When in actual fact, us girls should be embracing dumbbells and body weight training.
Resistance Training is another name for exercising your muscles using an opposing force i.e. dumb bells or resistance bands. The benefits that coincide with resistance training will surprise you! Lifting weights improve your bone density, joint mobility and body composition, not to mention that daily tasks such as lugging groceries, carrying kids around and climbing stairs become easier! And the benefits don’t end there!! Physical strength creates and enhances mental strength meaning that each time you finish a weight training session you are going to feel like you could take on the world!!
To help kick start your love of resistance training, here is quick workout to work that BOOTY!
1 Minute Kneeling Leg Lifts (right) 30 Seconds Kneeling Leg Lift Pulses (right) 1 Minute Kneeling Leg Lifts (left) 30 Seconds Kneeling Leg Lift Pulses (left) 1 Minute Squats 30 Seconds Static Squat Hold 30 Seconds Squat Jumps
Repeat 3 times and feel that BURRRNNN!
Let’s work together to quash this stigma about weight training. Feminine strength is all about being strong on the inside as well as being strong on the outside. Trainers and professionals everywhere should be spreading the news about the myriad of benefits that resistance training has to offer so that all women are keeping healthy, happy, safe and strong.
Push ups on your knees is a good place to start without straining your back.
Lately I have been working on a series of articles for various health and fitness magazines about training after having a baby or trying to get back into peak performance shape after having a serious injury.
The first article I wrote about the importance of strengthening the core and the chest for framing. Ladies, it is very important that your core is strong before you progress to doing push ups on your feet. If you can perform 20 push ups on your knees with a straight back (no banana back) then you are ready to progress to push ups on your feet. But if your back is sagging, stick to push ups on your knees, aim to get your chest almost to the floor to get your core strong, otherwise you might straight your lower back. Baby steps.