Another shout out to one of the sponsors or facilitators for this camp! Featuring Jasmine Bienvenue who is the yoga instructor and who has held this position for all of my location camps! She will be sharing her skills with you and she will be taking you through the morning sunrise yoga for a perfect start to the day. She is available for private one on one sessions, so feel free to get in touch with her for your private session to help with feeling zen, and working on your flexibility and stability. Jasmine Bienvenue
For more info on my Lifestyle Camp check out the event page on Facebook:
This isn't just a BJJ camp (although there is 2 hours of technique and training every morning), it is about all the aspects that are important in creating a fabulous and healthy lifestyle. This camp includes healthy food/nutrition, movement with yoga and sculpting workouts and the mental aspect where I have a holistic facilitator who does the guided meditations and Warrior Within workshops. This camp will be covering the theme of eliminating negative self talk which is such a big thing to hold us back from getting what we want in life.
The best thing about the camps though is the sisterhood and the lifelong friendships that are created to BJJ. This will be my 6th camp and a wonderful sisterhood that has come about from these.
Here is a link that has loads of info: there is a PDF you can download.
Behind the scene I have been working tirelessly with my team to put together my Home Workout Video Series. I am super excited to share these with you since these workouts are a combination of my years as knowledge as an athlete in gymnastics, BJJ and Figure and as a personal trainer/coach/instructor. I have created 7 workouts that target different aspects of fitness and different muscles groups to work the entire body and to keep you challenged. The workouts are full of variety and fun exercises to also keep you motivated and inspired to continue on your health and fitness journeys.
The workouts will be released soon at Subscribe to their website to receive massive discounts!!! Stay tuned for more updates!
I have been working tirelessly with my team to get this project finished in time. My home workout video series is all coming together. For those who did one of my 5 day challenges, you will have had a taste of what my workouts are all about. Here is the link to join the group: Like and follow my Facebook page to stay up to date with loads of health and fitness tips:
Keeping in theme with last weeks blog post on Protein! I thought I’d provide you guys with a little insight into the world of protein powders!
What are Protein Powders? Protein powders are dietary supplements that contain a high percentage of protein. This protein is derived from a variety of different food sources, including:
Along with the raw form of protein, many company fortify their products with vitamins, minerals, greens, additional fats, grains, fibre and/or thickeners. So although protein powders come directly from whole food sources, they’re not whole foods themselves.
For Vegetarians and vegans, rice and pea isolate proteins are powerful on their own. But mixed together, they're the first vegetarian protein that can compete with animal-derived proteins and meet the demands of hard-training athletes!
Next question! Why would I want to use a protein powder? Regardless of your individual goals, its important that you get enough protein in your diet and protein powders can be very helpful if you aren’t getting enough from whole food!
As the protein market has exploded with an array of brands, values and ingredients! Here is a list outlining the strengths and weakness.
Rice protein – Hypo-allergenic, gluten-free, neutral taste, economical. 100% plant-based. May be derived from genetically modified rice.
Egg protein – Fat-free, concentrated amounts of essential amino acids. May upset stomach.
Milk protein (includes whey, casein, calcium caseinate, and milk protein blends) – May enhance immunity, high in BCAAs, contains lactose, highly studied. May cause digestive upset or other symptoms in people sensitive to whey, casein, and/or lactose.
Pea protein – No saturated fat or cholesterol, highly digestible, hypo-allergenic, economical. Rich in lysine, arginine and glutamine. 100% plant-based.
Hemp protein – Provides omega-3 fats, most forms provide fibre, free of trypsin inhibitors, can get in raw form, high in arginine and histidine. 100% plant-based.
Just remember you get what you pay for so by choosing the “cheap” protein powder you most likely buying into a product with higher amounts of lactose, fat, filllers etc..
Ps. Pre Order of My Spring into Summer 7 Day Meal Plan is available now! Click here to secure your copy!
This past week I just returned from teaching some seminars in Michigan and CHicago. It was a really great experience to connect and train with my old training partner and to meet some new people. My seminar in Michigan was rewarding because I was able to help guild some young ones, whereby I feel it is so important that they see a female leading and teaching.
Being a female role model to the little ones is so important.
My seminar in Michigan was particularly rewarding since there was a big turn out and most of the students were men. Hats off to those progressive, open minded dudes out there who see the benefits of learning from a women. For all those ladies who are teaching, refereeing, running academies, running BJJ groups etc, this is a big step for such a profoundly male dominated sport. I am proud to be a part of the movement of empowered women in BJJ paving the way. #girlpower
Completely UNapologetic for being a chick with muscles! 💪 Believe it or not in my teens and early 20's I didn't wear shorts because I was so self conscious about how muscular my legs were. I'd cover my arms too. Now I have reached a point where I embrace it all because my body is forged from a lifetime of doing sports that I love and training damn hard. I don't aspire to be like those skinny waif models. I aspire to be strong, capable, athletic and feminine. And they do all go together.